Knowledge Bureau Report on German Pension Headaches

by Bookkeeping Essentials
(Prince George, B.C.)

The most recent issue (December 8, 2010) of the Knowledge Bureau E-News has an article titled "Tax Filing Headaches Continue for German Pension Recipients".

It has very good reference and contact information about tax assessments being received by pension recipients.

After this week, you will be able to locate this article in their Breaking News Archives section.

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Dec 16, 2010
Knowledge Bureau Received Response About German Pensions
by: Bookkeeping essentials

In the Enews dated December 15, 2010, The Knowledge Bureau explains that Canadian taxpayers with German pensions must file German tax returns for 2005-2009.

Find out more information here:

Enews> Knowledge Bureau Receives Response from German Revenue Office.

Jan 06, 2011
German Tax Resources
by: Bookkeeping Essentials

Knowledge Bureau's E-News dated January 5, 2011 has German Consulate contact information in Canada.

You will find it at> Tools> Knowledge Bureau Report> Back Issues OR Breaking News Archive> More German Resources...

Feb 18, 2011
Update on German Pensions
by: Lake

The Knowledge Bureau's e-newsletter this week (February 16, 2011) has an update on German pensions.

You can find the posting on their site under Tools> Knowledge Bureau Report. Not sure if it is going to be filed under "Breaking News Archive" or not, but the post is titled, "You Asked Us How much of my German Pension do I Claim on my Canadian Tax Return?".

When looking things up in the KB archives, they require you to sign in now.

In this particular post, you will find a link to the German Consulate General in Vancouver discussing Taxation of German old age pensions. You can find the article at

Aug 23, 2012
Knowlegde Bureau Update on German Pensions
by: Lake

See the Knowledge Bureau's August 22, 2012 article titled "Some relief for Canadian residents receiving German Pensions" by Seigfried Merten, MFA.

The article states, "It (the German Tax office) now automatically sends assessment for taxes owing each year alleviating the need to file a German tax return. This year, Germany is assessing only the tax years 2005 and 2006; next year, it will assess the years 2007 to 2011".

The Knowledge Bureau advises that "after you paid your taxes to Germany, you will need to file a T-1 Adjustment (Foreign Tax Credit) with the CRA in order to get back the part that has been double taxed. Article 18 of the Taxation Agreement states that the country paying the pension has first right to taxation. Article 23 states that if you live in a country that also taxes the German pension, that country has to refund via the Foreign Tax Credit any double taxation amounts."

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