Bookkeeping Essentials SiteSearch

Hello and welcome to Bookkeeping Essentials SiteSearch . You'll find all about how to ... Find Basic Bookkeeping Information on This Site .

Useful Sidebar Chats Found On The Site

✔ How To Record Online Business Income in QuickBooks.

✔ Standby charges and your T4.

✔ How to track construction holdbacks in QuickBooks.

✔ When should you incorporate in Canada?

✔ A series of payroll sidebar chats including with How to Proof CPP and EI Tax Rates and How to Pay Employees With Cash.

✔ Owner manager remuneration for incorporated businesses.

✔ How to reconcile vendor statements.

✔ Amending a tax return to avoid penalties.

✔ Is it amortization or depreciation?

Things to consider when gathering home office expense information.

✔ How to determine if a transaction should be expensed or capitalized?

✔ Do you need GAAP prepared financial statements?

✔ Basic entity concept, materiality, and consistency - three accounting principles.

✔ The risk of not having business insurance for your personal vehicle.

You will find basic bookkeeping tips, good bookkeeping practices and other useful information throughout this site on managing the accounting side of your business. Time sensitive data is updated regularly and along with the addition of new pages so I hope you visit often.

Watch throughout the site for these four features:

  • GAAP Update or ASPE Update,
  • Good To Know
  • The Bookkeeper's Tips ... on good bookkeeping practices, cash flow, and tax compliance, and
  • Let's Chat About ....

As the Bookkeeping Essentials site has grown (it is 700 plus web pages now), it has become trickier to see The Big Picture and to find what you are looking for, so ...

... did you read something on this site and now can't remember where to find it? I've talked and chatted about debits and credits, financial statements and bookkeeping help. Even I have trouble finding what I'm looking for! :o)

This SiteSearch is at your disposal to solve your dilemma. The way I see it ... you have three options ...

  • Your FIRST option is to use the Bookkeeping Essentials Search Box you see in the right hand column of the site at the top of most pages. The box setup is customized to search this site ... just be aware that if the page is fairly new and it has not been indexed by Google yet, it will not come up in the search. If that happens ...
  • You might want to try out this SECOND option ... check The Blog for a listing of the newest or revised articles ... or
  • Your THIRD option is to read The Small Business Accounting Site Guide below ... it's explains how this site is laid out and has links to ALL articles.

As you might have noticed, some of my pages on Bookkeeping Essentials are long ... so when you click in from a search engine executive summary ... it's hard to find the relevant line / topic that the search engines highlighted.

What I do once I have clicked to go to the page ... is to go to Edit>Find and type in a unique word or phrase that showed up on the search engine summary ... this saves me paging through trying to find the spot I need ... or near the top of some pages I have Quick Links that should take you to a general topic area.

No matter which option you choose, I sure hope you find what you are looking for ... if not, please drop me a note and I'll work at making it available on this site. I want you to know that Bookkeeping Essentials is committed to supporting work from home bookkeepers and tutoring business owners who do their own bookkeeping.

In May 2024, the site switched from a two column format to a one column format, and all the Canadian tax compliance articles were moved to my new site This meant I had to reorganize the navigation bar. This site map should help you find this reorganization.

Small Business Accounting Site Guide

Table of Contents

This website is "built" in three layers.

  1. The first layer is The Home Page. Think of the home page as "a business entity" known as Bookkeeping Essentials.

  2. The second layer is each Navigation Button across the top if you are on a tablet or desktop computer or at the bottom is you are on a smartphone ... easy to reach from any page on this site. Think of these pages as "departmental sections" in the business entity Bookkeeping Essentials.

    A brief explanation of what you can expect to find under each button follows directly after this section ... see How The Second Layer Works.

    ... and just so you know, there is a Table of Contents (look for "What you will find in this section") located on each page reached by a navigation button ... that relates only to that section.
  3. The third layer can be reached from a link ... sometimes a contextual inline link in an article ... but the fastest way (usually) is through an overview summary found on one of the "second layer" pages or the site map. I say usually because sometimes I muck things up .. I know, I know ... I find it hard to believe too!

    Soooo what I'm trying to say is, you access these "third layer" links through the second layer pages. Think of these pages as "procedures or issues" in each department of the business entity Bookkeeping Essentials.

While are 700 plus pages on the site, I've tried to never go more than three layers deep.

How The Second Layer Works
Executives Summaries

Here is a brief overview of the basic bookkeeping procedures and/or issues (third layer) for each departmental section (second layer) ...

... useful for finding your way around Bookkeeping Essentials.

Need a short break? Pull up a chair, relax, turn off your phone and peek ... at some the pages I've done so far.

EBooks For Sale and Other Tools

  • Month-End Procedure eManual, available for sale, explains what to do once you have entered all your data and before your print your internal financial statements.
  • Bookkeeping Checklists eBook, available for sale, lists what to do and when. 
  • The Website Tools introduces you to the affordable service and friendly software package I use to build and maintain this site.

Accounting Systems

Bookkeeping Practices

Financial Reporting

Bookkeeping Compliance

The Useful Stuff

  • What's New Want to keep up-to-date on additions and changes to this site? Consider subscribing to the blog RSS feed ... or bookmark your favorite page using the "Share This Page" tools found at the bottom of each page including this Bookkeeping Essentials SiteSearch page.
  • The Current News is an index to the five news area tracked on this site to help keep you current. It's especially useful when doing backwork.
  • The IRS News focuses on the latest IRS news relevant to U.S. small business owners.
  • The CRA News focuses on CRA news for the Canadian small business owner.
  • Testimonials is where you have a chance to let me and others know how this site has helped you. 
  • Visitor Poll provides me with valuable feedback about the content on this site.
  • Site Policies includes Terms of Use - Legal Disclaimer - Privacy Statement - Advertising Links - Compensation Disclosure for
  • Contact Me has a contact form and also includes information about me ... your tutor. ;0)

The Third Layer Links
Procedures and Bookkeeping Issues

Here are Bookkeeping Essentials SiteSearch links in alphabetical order to each third level page.

Executive summaries for these pages can be found by clicking the appropriate navigation button on the left hand side. Bookkeeping Forum pages are excluded from this listing. However you can find all the forum questions and answers by topic here.

Systems - Developing Your Accounting System

Practices - Small Business Bookkeeping

Reporting - Financial Statement Reporting and Bookkeeping Training

U.S. - IRS Compliance Index

Canada - CRA Tax Compliance

Road Map - A Financial Plan is Essential

Help - Get Bookkeeping Help or Do It Yourself?

The Forum - Your Bookkeeping Community - All forums are closed but the information is still available for viewing

I hope this Bookkeeping Essentials SiteSearch page assists you in finding what you were looking for.

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I Hope You Enjoy Your Visit Today,
Your Tutor


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