You may wonder why I spend time operating this website. I guess it is because I have had several life changing events over the years ... each one spinning my life 180 degrees out of my control (was I ever really in control?) ... basically life happened while I was making other plans. This website gave me a way to work through my grief while helping people who couldn't afford my services. I get the pleasure of helping self employed bookkeepers and work from home small business owners while running my virtual bookkeeping practice ... allowing me to work from home ... AND pay it forward.
In 2009, following the Site-Build-It! guide, I built a site that gets traffic. It took a lot of work and learning using the SBI! guide. Type in "bookkeeping essentials" into your web browser to see the search results you get. Or try searching "Canadian bookkeeping resources".
It has been eight years and Site Build It! just keeps on giving. was in the TOP 0.5% OF ALL 170 MILLION ACTIVE SITES IN THE WORLD when I worked on the site daily. I am living proof what can be done with SBI! website tools and services!
I don't spend money paying for advertisements to get top ranking on a page. I just follow SBI!'s guide. Read on to hear about my experience with SBI! ... and how I made my site visible, obtained high-traffic success while building income from Google Adsense and affiliate earnings.
SBI! is the ONLY product I know of its kind. The features that appeal to me are:
Ken Evoy works diligently and tirelessly to ensure it is the best in it's class. He says, "The more complex the Web gets, the more complicated it is to build an online business. Our job has always been to simplify. So the more we simplify with good info and tools, the more value we add."
In December 2008, my life was at a bit of a crossroads. (This is the third set of crossroads in my life.)
I had a choice on where my life should go next ... so I opted for following a dream ... having my own website and virtual business so I could work from home.
I was living on lake front property (I followed this dream at my second set of crossroads awhile back) ... less than an hour away from a city in one direction and a small town in the opposite direction. (You'll see pictures of the area around my home scattered throughout this website ... just in case you were wondering what the heck they had to do with bookkeeping!)
Living year round at the lake allowed me ... to breathe and feel like ... I'm home ... I'm finally home. The tension my body feels when I'm in the city ... falls away when I turn off the highway and drive the long lake road to home. (Now I live in a small village nestled in a mountain valley ... and I can still breathe.)
This want ... this need to live at the lake could only become a reality if I had income (like everyone!)... and I wanted ... so wanted... to not drive to the city five days a week ... I wanted ... and the want slowly became a need over the years ... I needed ... to find a way to work close to home.
Okay, I'll admit there were some health issues driving this need as well. Sometimes when life throws some curves at you, you have to be creative in how you catch them!
I was doing a lot of thinking on how I could make this happen when ... I started toying with the idea that ...
My original goal was to create my own website that I could access from anywhere ... and have a place to direct clients when they needed information or had questions. The idea was to create a "brochure" website for my business.
(I decided to start up my business again after my parents' deaths and more time became available ... looking for employment was difficult due to my chronic health issues. I had become accustomed to flexible hours after six years spent caring for my parents and wrapping up their estates. The flexible hours makes it possible for me to work.)
Once I decided to build a "brochure" website, I was faced with the problem of learning how to do that ...
... when I found a free host that would enable me to put up a simple website ... actually, a neighbour across the lake had started using it.
While researching some aspect of how to get the site up and running, I stumbled onto SBI! (Site Build It!) as an affordable solution.
For $40 US per month (or $330 US per year), SBI! provided the guidance, tools, and support so I could become my own web master and run a profitable (eventually ... with some hard work) online business.
If you go the WordPress route, it costs even less at $25 US per month (or $200 a year - I think).
Once I made the decision to go the SBI! route, I deleted my "brochure" site and started over ... building my site following SBI!'s advice.
After reading (in pdf format) and watching (on video) the SBI! Step by Step Action Guide, I realized that ALL (not just some) of my notes and references may be useful to other work from home business owners or bookkeepers starting their own practice from home ... and that I could earn some money providing this information.
I took the leap and decided to make all my notes available on the internet for others to use and reference.
I started a log of my progress on building this site so on the days I am a bit discouraged at my progress, I can check in with myself and see how much I have accomplished!
Prior to finding SBI!, I did not think of having an internet site as a business, in its own right, that I could earn money from.
After I discovered that gem of a possibility ... I decided to "make a curve in my pathway" ... setting my first goal to earning $200-$300 a month in net income.
Once I realized the amount of work actually involved in building the site, I revised my initial goal to making this site pay for itself first ... starting with achieving gross income of $200-$300 per month.
(To be really truthful, SBI! testimonial ads and the SBI! forums are full of real life people who have been able to leave their jobs six to eight years (or earlier for some) after having an SBI! website. That is my dream too! ... I can't say I really believed it at first
... you know the "if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't"!
But my site has been progressing just like Dr. Ken Evoy and SBI! said it would ... just slower than I originally anticipated ... I have always been a bit of a slow learner ... but once I catch on ... I've got it.
... All of the successful SBIers say all you need to do is plan for it to take two to five years and ... this is very important ... follow the Action Guide ... step by step ... no deviations.)
Building this site has been a learning curve ... but one I am enjoying.
It is taking longer to earn money than I planned ... I had trouble with a few of the concepts, still do ... so I'm a bit behind on my plan ... but I still think it is achievable.
SBI! Review continued
As I have been explaining, life events meant I had to change and adjust my lifestyle ... from which has come many unexpected blessings. Working from home has been the perfect solution for me.
Starting this website was part of the perfect solution ... and SBI! (Site Build It!) made it possible with their amazing set of tools ... that even someone with limited computer skills (like me) can use.
With SBI!, you don't need to have graphic design skills ... or computer programming knowledge. You don't even have to have an existing business that sells products or services. If you can type an email, you can build your own online business using SBI! tools.
SBI! has a toolkit and they teach you how to use it to build a successful online website. All you need is some motivation, the courage to reach for your dreams, and be willing to put in a bit of hard work.
Take the full 30 minute SBI! Video Tour to see all that SBI! offers. For those "in a hurry," (you don't have the time to sit through a 30 minute presentation), the SBI! Quick Tour is the way to go...SBI! comes with a money back guarantee ... so sure of their product, they have no problem with you trying it out to see if you like it ... making it totally risk free to you ...
... about 10% of people who purchase request and receive a refund ... just so you understand that Dr. Ken Evoy stands behind his product. :0)
SBI did an analysis of the sites that do not succeed during their first year (defined as did not renew their subscription). What they found was that 43% did not put in the work required.
The remaining 57% made six basic mistakes that can be corrected by following the Action Guide. As Dr. Ken Evoy said in one of his weekly newsletters, "It can't happen without work. SBI! is not GetRichQuick. It works if you do."
It took me 3 days before I finally hit the purchase button ... 3 days of hovering the mouse over the button ... and then stopping
... clicking on the purchase button ... then canceling the purchase
... followed by 3 weeks of second guessing my purchase decision.
I waited for the rip off to happen ... but it never happened!
In 2014, SBI added a Word Press module. Perhaps you think you could never write one page for the internet ... let alone 200 pages. Well Dr. Ken Evoy, the creator of SBI!, has a book called Make Your Content Pre-Sell that he makes available to anyone at no cost ... yup free.
The e-book teaches you how to communicate effectively over the Internet ... internet writing has its own unique style and character ... the e-book explains it all.
... SBI! actually has a library of e-books available ... so you can get a self-directed on-line education on building a successful online website.
Ken Evoy posts regularly in the forums. In one post, he explains who is a good fit for Solo Build It!. I present a portion of that post.
"While not perfect, Solo Build It! is THE best chance to attain online success for most solo proprietors who want to build their own online businesses (assuming you are not trying to build the next Facebook.)
It is NOT for everyone, though. It is especially right for (assuming you have BAM*)...
i) Those just starting out who know little
ii) Those who have tried Wordpress (blogging or site-building), or various other sitebuilders and blogging software and failed, INCLUDING those who have failed repeatedly (they form a large sub-group, probably the largest of successful SBIers today).
iii) The savviest of users (no matter what they have tried), who have yet to succeed. Solo Build It! will correct mistakes, organize what they know, tighten down to the tools they need, and simplify into a focused, workable process that has a higher chance of success than any other single product, anywhere.
Who is it WRONG for? Simple...
i) Anyone who is already successful, regardless of how. That includes WP users. It IS possible to succeed with WP by figuring out a ton of stuff, finding the right gurus in a variety of fields (and not be misled by all the others), by buying the templates/designs, plug-ins and third-party software that you'll need. It's possible. But it's a whole lot harder and will cost you much more (unless you want to compare how the "Wordpress is free" people do). Just think of every single step you need to do (to build an e-business) and compare the WP-Solo Build It! difference. It doesn't need more explanation than that.
ii) Anyone who wants to use a different model. Put up an online store and use PPC*. Or put it up in Amazon or eBay. Blog if you want to cover news in your niche or editorialize on a wide variety of topics in your blog. It's a tougher, crowded model and again, you have to figure out a ton on your own and find a lot of tools. But it IS do-able. So if blogging is what excites someone, Solo Build It! is not right for him/her (Solo Build It! now has a bizXpress module that uses WordPress), even though Blog It! gives you the RSS* distribution of blogging and you can add a "full blog" through Infin It!
iii) You simply must FTP*. This group grows smaller over time. It used to be THE #1 issue about Solo Build It! But some folks do need direct access to make their sites totally db-driven. When you reach that level, drop by and leave a note of thanks. It's what excites us."
Solo Build It! has given me the opportunity to pay it forward. (Click on the ad below if want more information on how Solo Build It! can transform your life too!)
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