Donate to Bookkeeping Essentials

5 Ways To Support This Site

The Small Business Accounting Guide
For Business Owners Who Do Their Own Books

If you are finding this website to be a useful resource for your business, there are a number of ways you can support its ongoing development.

This website costs me money to operate. With your support, I can continue to add additional pages that will assist you with the financial management of your business. I would like this site to serve you and provide you with the best possible resources available.

I am a CPB-Certified Professional Bookkeeper committed to educating and supporting work from home bookkeepers that are just starting their practice and business owners who do their own bookkeeping. I spend hours researching and writing the articles for this site.

Here are five ways you can help support my site.

Option One - Donating $5 is one way to support this site.

I donate my time with the hope this site helps others avoid some of the mistakes and learning curve I had while learning accounting and starting my own business.

Your $5 donation will help me to cover the costs of operating this site ... so I will continue to be able to offer my articles for free to those just starting out and unable to afford their own bookkeeper.

Here's what will happen when you click on the Donate Button.

You will be asked for your credit card information by PayPal. PayPal shares your contact information with me, enabling me to send you a thank you note. I will not have access to your financial information, so your credit card information is completely confidential ... and safe.

The recommended amount to donate is $5. It helps with the maintenance and development costs of this site... or you choose the amount you wish to donate. Any amount is truly appreciated.

P.S. Your transaction will be processed under Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services.

P.P.S. You must have cookies turned on for the PayPal button to work ... I discovered this the hard way. If your cookies are not turned on, you will get a "Sorry" page instead.

Option Two - Clicking on links on this site to purchase products from my affiliates. Here is how it works.

You decide that you would like to purchase a product I feature on my site. When you click on the link, it takes you to the company selling the product. This is where you make your actual purchase. Lakeshore Bookkeeping earns a portion of that sale. The amount varies with each company.

I realize making your purchase this way adds an additional step to the purchasing process ... but your efforts help me to continue publishing free articles to you.

One of my affliates is the O'Neill Brothers. I have their music player in "The Tea Shoppe" ... but you can also click on the image below, to hear samples of their music. If you are planning a wedding, their wedding music selections are excellent.

Option Three - If you have a website, Facebook page, or participate in forums ... creating a link to my site helps this site become more popular. It's easy to do.

To insert a link on your website or as a reference on a forum ... here's what to do. At the bottom of each page, you will find a Pay it forward link. Clicking on the link opens instructions and code. Just copy and paste the HTML link code onto your site or forum.

If you want to share it on one of the many social networking sites, just click on the appropriate icon and it will automatically create a post for you.

PLEASE, if you do create a link ... test it to make sure it is working properly! When you goof, Google notifies me about links from other sites that are not linked to a valid page on my site ... "Not Found" errors. This is NOT good. For the life of me, I don't know why Google let's me know you made an error. It seems to me it would be better if they told you!

Option Four - Help grow this site by submitting a question ... or join in one of the mini-discussions on The Forum page ... or drop me a note for an idea on a topic.

Any of these contributions adds valuable, original content to this site that is useful to others like you ... and the search engines (which is important because it is probably how you found this site). :0)

Option Five - Be an editor at large by reporting spelling errors, broken or misdirected links, ... you get the idea. I would really appreciate your help ... because often times, no matter how many times I've re-read something, I miss the error because I only see what I want it to say.

Visitors use different browsers on their computers. I'd really appreciate it if you let me know when formatting is very obviously not working on your browser ... when leaving me a note, make sure you tell your browser.

If you are a bookkeeper or accountant ... and you see some information I have provided that is wrong, inaccurate ... or there is another, simpler way to do something ... then I would truly appreciate your feedback ... as I would hate to be providing bad information. I handle constructive criticism well ... I really do!

Thank You for Supporting
Bookkeeping Essentials

The Small Business Accounting Guide
For Work From Home Business Owners
Who Do Their Own Books


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