Welcome to bookkeeping-essentials.com website policies. This page explains how I conduct business on the internet.

I really want your experience on this site to be enjoyable . My goal is to provide high quality content ...

... and only include links to websites which I believe also provide high quality content. (If you ever find a link where this is not the case, I would appreciate you letting me know.)

If you've landed here, it means I've missed finding and updating a link. Please click here for my privacy policy effective May 25, 2018 which is GDPR compliant.

Acceptance of Terms

Today, as you are probably aware, there are a lot of rules and regulations that business must operate under. This page exists because of those rules and regulations...

... So please read the terms carefully. Do not use this website if you do not accept these terms.

Legal Disclaimer
Information is NOT Advice

I attempt to gather the information for this site from, what I believe to be, reliable sources and my own experience. I welcome your comments with regards to correcting errors or omissions. Please be aware, I am not a certified accountant (CA, CGA, CMA) and am not engaged in nor provide review or audit services.

The content on this site is intended for general information purposes only. Laws and regulations pertaining to tax and (to a lesser degree) accounting change frequently. It's important you understand that their application is dependent upon your specific circumstances. As I am Canadian and studied in Canada, what I present are Canadian practices. These practices may or may not be similar to your country's practices.

As U.S. private small business bookkeeping practices are very similar to Canada's, and due to looking for answers for some of my customers regarding the U.S. and online purchases, I began including my research notes for the U.S. on the site. Please be aware that I do not perform bookkeeping for any U.S. clients.

The content of this website is not intended to constitute legal, accounting, or tax advice; or opinions on any specific matters. Users of information provided on this website are responsible for the consequences and results of their own actions. You should not act or rely on this information without engaging professional advice prior to using this site content for any reason whatsoever.

Also, to ensure compliance with United States IRS Circular 230 Disclosure requirements, please note that any U.S. tax information contained in this website is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under United States federal, state or local tax law.

This site is operated by L. Kenway dba Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services. By using this site, you understand that L. Kenway dba Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services assumes no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or your use of the website contents or any links to third parties.

I have made every attempt to state ownership of copyrighted material contained on this website. However, if I have erred or omitted, I would certainly welcome any information to correct my references. Please note that referencing or partial reproductions of copyright works does not infer an affiliation with the third party or that it is endorsed by the third party.

Acceptance of Terms

Using this website implies you agree to the terms of use.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement is part of the terms of use.

Click here for my EU GDPR privacy policy effective May 25, 2018.

Collection of Personal Information

Bookkeeping-essentials.com is committed to high-quality content and respecting your right to privacy. Every effort is made to comply with the Personal Information Act (British Columbia) and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada).

Your personal information is collected (and stored on servers that reside in Canada) in the regular course of doing business with you and to meet legal and regulatory requirements. It is my understanding that any information that can be found through publicly available information such as the telephone book is not considered personal information under the acts.

Keeping your personal information secure and in confidence is a priority of bookkeeping-essentials.com. It will only be used for the purposes that you intended. It will never be sold, rented, or traded. It will never be used for a purpose not previously discussed with you, except in the unusual event where compliance is required by law.

Use of Cookies and Web Beacons

This website uses cookies. Cookies are identifiers that are transferred to your computer's hard drive through your Web browser. It enables the system to recognize your browser. The cookies are only used to track behavior of groups of users of the Web site, not individual usage, and are not tied to any personal information that you provide to the website. The purpose of the cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page ... which means it monitors traffic.

Any information you provide to this website is not collected or combined with any other demographic information from any other sources. Third party tracking services are used to collect this information ... which is currently SBI!, my web host and service provider. In other words... your visit is private and anonymous.

As third party services are used to monitor traffic and place advertisements on this site ... if you use this site, you should be aware of web beacons.

A web beacon is a transparent image file used to monitor your journey around a single website or collection of sites. They are also referred to as web bugs and are commonly used by sites that hire third-party services to monitor traffic. They may be used in association with cookies to understand how visitors interact with the pages and content on the pages of a web site.

We may serve third-party advertisements that use cookies and web beacons in the course of ads being served on our web site to ascertain how many times you've seen an advertisement. No personally identifiable information you give us is provided to them for cookie or web beacon use, so they cannot personally identify you with that information on our web site.

Some third-party advertisements may be provided by Google, which uses cookies to serve ads on this site. Google uses the DART cookie, which enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visits to this site and other sites on the Web. You may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. (located at http://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html)

The search box on this web site ("Search Box") is powered by Google Inc ("Google"). You acknowledge and agree that Google's privacy policy (located at http://www.google.com/privacy.html) shall apply to your use of the Search Box and by using the Search Box you consent to Google using your personal data in accordance with its privacy policy.

You can adjust your browsers or privacy software to a security level you are comfortable with. I am fairly certain it will not affect your use of this site.

Collection of Non-Personal Information

As mentioned above, some non-personal information is collected when you visit this site. It is collected solely for internal review to improve your visit and others to this site. It is never released to other organizations for commercial purposes.

Acceptance of Terms

Your voluntary consent to collect the information discussed above may be either (1) expressed - in writing when you use the contact form, polls or email signups; or (2) implied - reasonably inferred from your actions or inactions.

Thank you for reading the terms of use for this website. Please do not use this website if you do not accept these terms.

Policy on Reproduction of Information on this Site

Reproduction of information found on Bookkeeping Essentials is not permitted without written permission. You are, however, welcome to link to any page from your website.

If you are going to use the material on this to write your own original web page content, please site your source, acknowledge Bookkeeping-Essentials.com and proivde a link back to the article you used as your reference. You will notice throughout the site that I take the time to let my readers know the source of "my knowledge".

Do you think the content on your site would benefit my site visitors? I love high quality, relevant content. Contact me and let's see if we can work something out.

Advertising Links

You will see dotted or double underlined links on this site. These links are part of a pay per click advertising program called Infolinks. Infolinks is an In Text advertising service; they take my text and create links within it.

If you hover your mouse over these double underlined links, you will see a small dialog box containing an advertisement related to the text. You can choose to move the mouse away and go on with your browsing, or to click on the box and visit the relevant ad. You can learn more about Infolinks Double Underline Link Ads at www.infolinks.com.

Each time you click on an Infolinks In-Text ad, you are directed to the advertiser’s landing page and I earn advertising revenue; otherwise, when the mouse is moved away from the hyperlink, the bubble disappears.

How Do I Offer All This Information To You For Free?

I earn income from:

  • visitors to my site clicking ads;
  • home based business owners hiring my virtual bookkeeping services;
  • answering bookkeeping questions from this site;
  • donations to support the ongoing development of this site;
  • direct business advertisements; and
  • affiliate revenue from some products (not all) recommended or sold on this site.

Please note that this site does NOT accept paid intext links. Please contact me if you are interested in advertising on this site.

Affiliate Compensation Disclosure

This site accepts affiliate and other forms of compensation. Such compensation does not influence the information in this site. I always give my honest opinion, findings, or experience.

It may occur that you do not like a product purchased on my recommendation. I select affiliates who stand behind their products and offer a money back guarantee in the event you are dissatisfied with a purchase.

If I have purchased the product, I let you know. If I haven't purchased the product, I let you know. If I haven't purchased the product but am interested in doing so, I let you know ... because I live on a budget and can't buy everything I want when I want.

To avoid the appearance of any conflict of interest and in the spirit of full disclosure, I try to identify all affiliate related reviews to you. But if I slip up, here is my current affiliate listing ... clicking on any link may take you directly to their product sales/order page which resides on their sites or to my site information page:

If you buy something by clicking on one of their text links on this site, I earn a commission.

Please do support my affiliates and recommendations. This site takes time and effort to deliver original content, free, to you. Supporting my affiliates is a WIN-WIN-WIN for you, me, and them. Thank you very much.

One final note ... although not an affiliate, between February 2011 and November 2011, I was employed part-time with the Institute of Professional Bookkeeper's of Canada in Member Services.

P.S. No compensation was given for any visitor feedback on this site.

QuickBooks ProAdvisor® Program Member

It is understood that references made on this website to QuickBooks, QuickBooks ProAdvisor and Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor are registered trademarks and/or registered service marks of Intuit Inc.

Use of, or references to QuickBooks® software does NOT mean Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services or bookkeeping-essentials.com are “Officially Endorsed by”, “Authorized by”, or formally “Partnered” with Intuit, or that I am an employee or representative of Intuit ... in other words, Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services or bookkeeping-essentials.com are not agents or representatives of Intuit.

Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services acknowledges that Intuit makes no claims on behalf of me or my company as to the quality of the products or services offered.

Screen shots used throughout this website are used purely for educational or illustrative purposes. It is understood that these screen shots are the intellectual property of Intuit ... any commentary or other text analysis added is attributable to Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services, and not to Intuit.

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Terms of Use


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