Non Residents of Canada - Cross Border Taxes

by Bookkeeping Essentials
(BC Canada)

If you are looking for information about taxation issues relating to non-residents of Canada, or any cross border tax issue, you may want to take at look at the website of Phil Hogan, CA.

He specializes in cross border tax. You can find his site at> category> cross border tax .

Comments for Non Residents of Canada - Cross Border Taxes

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Dec 12, 2010
More Non-Resident Information
by: Bookkeeping Essentials

You may also be interested in this post on How to Become a Non-Resident of Canada.

Dec 23, 2010
Global Mobility Professionals
by: Lakeshore Bookkeeping Services

Deloitte's has published an article titled Top 10 year-end tips for global mobility and assignment professionals.

It discusses among other things, payroll waivers for non-Canadian employees; foreign pension plan participation and how it affects T4 reporting; and tracking international workdays.

You can find the article at> Global Services> Tax> Global wealth and employer services> Top 10 year-end tips for global mobility and assignment professionals. The article was published on December 22, 2010 by Peter Megoudis in Toronto.

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