QuickBooks Conversion

by D

I have a customer account that used to be a Partnership - the one partner has signed off and the other has assumed all business liabilities - I now need to close the books and have the x-partners deal with the filing of the taxes etc.

My real question is the QB program I was using was the Contractor edition(which is what they wanted to use) - but I also use the QB Pro and would like to transfer the information for the Ltd. to that program - are you able to advise on the easiest way to do this...I have Contractor on one computer and Pro on another...urgh.

The dissolution of the Partnership was Nov 02/10 - Lawyer still dealing with the Ltd. registration so not registered as Ltd. yet.

Hope I haven't confused the situation.

Kind regards

image of fancy scroll lines

Sorry, I don't know the answer as I use the Accountant's version. It allows me to switch to / use any version.

What I would do is take a backup of your Contractor version data file and see if you can restore it on your QuickBooks Pro version. I just don't know if Intuit lets you downgrade a version.

If you are a self-employed bookkeeper (ie. doing bookkeeping for multiple clients), you may want to consider joining the ProAdvisor program. It has a lot of benefits, one of which is price.

P.S. I would like to remind you there is a difference between information and advice. The general information provided in this post or on my site should not be construed as advice. You should not act or rely on this information without engaging professional advice specific to your situation prior to using this site content for any reason whatsoever.

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Nov 26, 2010
QB Proversion/Contractor Version
by: D

Thanks so much for the information - I have contacted QB as per your request and have the Pro Version now...

Now if I have the contractor on one computer and the Pro on the other would I just do the same....back up and restore into the Pro Version...or should I just ask QB what to do?



Nov 27, 2010
QuickBooks Premier Accountant's Edition
by: Bookkeepiing Essentials

Sorry, you've lost me. QuickBooks Pro version is different than QuickBooks Premier Accountant's Edition.

The Premier Accountant's version opens and saves in any version of QuickBooks, including the Contractor's edition.

If you are a self-employed booked, you are eligible to join Intuit's Pro Advisor program and save 60% along with other benefits ... and if you join through my website, I earn a small commission which helps to support this website so I can continue to offer free resources to my visitors.

If you only have Pro version ... and the backup from the Contractor's version won't restore onto the Pro version, you will have to contact Intuit for help ... or a Certified ProAdvisor.

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