Quickbooks vs. AccountingEdge vs. Sage?

by Susan Caney
(Dollard des Ormeaux, QC, Canada)

Which Accounting Software Do You Prefer?

Which Accounting Software Do You Prefer?

I am presently using QuickBooks, but am exploring the program AccountingEdge (used to be "MYOB").

Anybody tried both? What are your thoughts, please?

I have been told that AccountingEdge is more reliable accounting-wise, is this true in your opinion?

Thank you,

Comments for Quickbooks vs. AccountingEdge vs. Sage?

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Quickbooks vs Accountedge
by: Anonymous

I am a user of both of the mentioned packages. The QB package I bought off the shelf from one of the local electrical stores, and although I find the package 'OK', it isn't a software package that I enjoy using, I don't find QB very user friendly and I find I am somewhat restricted in reports breaking down subgroups etc. Multi user licences are expensive as are the upgrades and the payroll add ons.

On the other hand, I also use Sage Simply accounting and I quite like that. I also find the telephone support, upgrades, payroll add ons and helpfulness of the staff very encouraging and find they will do whatever they can to compete for my business. Quite the opposite from QB. Sage are undergoing internal changes and exploring the Cloud right now. Not sure that's the way I would want to go....

As for Accountedge? I think this is by far the best package on the market right now. For me, it works well, for my trainee bookkeeper it works. It is very user friendly, I have not once had to contact support for help, I am able to find everything I need close to hand and all the books of entry are simple and self explanatory, the only drawback, is that I like to have a disc in the drawer 'just in case'. Personally, account edge beats them all.

Love QuickBooks
by: Jocelyne

This posting is from Bookkeeping-Essentials's Facebook page:

Oooo we just started working with a new client who was using MYOB for their corporation. We are quickly getting rid of that and starting the new year with QuickBooks...

Did not like it one bit...

It's a pain to get the reports, constantly having to reenter the dates, you can't post directly from the accounts, everything is through journal entries....

We've worked with Quicken and QuickBooks for many years, have tried Simply Accounting... and so far nothing is as good as QuickBooks in our mind.

So good luck with that... and if you ever change your mind and want to import to QB it's an impossible task.

Finally found AccountEdge
by: Anonymous

I have been a loyal MYOB user for over 10 yrs. Being in the accounting field I have also used AccPac/Simply, QuickBooks, etc.

I have searched long and hard for years trying to find an upgrade to MYOB, as Intuit sold it. AccountEdge (replacement for MYOB) is finally available in Canada. I tried their 30 day trial, and will buy the program. It opens your old MYOB files accurately.

People tend to prefer what they are familiar with, but I find MYOB to still be tops. It is very user friendly and is very easy to analyze accounts through the inquiries, reports, however you like. My vote is very confidently "AccountEdge" over QuickBooks.

Simply Accounting Software
by: Raelene, Kamloops, BC

I am just finishing some schooling for bookkeeping (in accordance with CBA standards) and starting out as a bookkeeper for small business and non profit organizations.

My goal is to take on five clients by the end of 2012 and to work part time from home as it would allow me more time with my three young children.

I know you use Quickbooks but I am trained in Simply Accounting; so my question is this: am I better to purchase Simply Accounting that includes payroll or just go without?

Any software recommendations and tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Raelene,

Only you can make the decision about what software is right for you and your new business. It depends on the price difference between the two products, how tight money is right now, if you expect to obtain clients that have payroll needs ...

The only thing I would recommend is to investigate if Simply Accounting has a program similar to QuickBooks ProAdvisor program. If they do, I would join and use the software provided from that program ... which will likely include payroll.

Accounting Software
by: Henry, Henry

What kind of accounting software is widely used for bookkeeping?

I came across an article on the world wide web that commented on three possible software packages.

1. A trial balance system.

2. A complete data entry system such as QuickBooks.

3. A write-up system.

I know that a trial balance system is used mainly for auditing purposes. So it rules that system out. And I know that QuickBooks is flexible enough to use as a write-up system. Are there any other complete data entry systems that have this flexibility? Finally, do you really need a write-up system if a complete data entry system will do cost wise?

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Hi Henry,

Accounting software choice depends on personal preferences, your business size and what you need the software to do.

Check out my article A Yardstick to Evaluate Your Bookkeeping System Requirements.

That said, it's no secret that I use the Accountant's Edition of QuickBooks. Whether it's adequate for your needs will require you working through the system criteria I chat about in my yardstick evaluation article.

QuickBooks vs Quicken
by: Bookkeeping-Essentials

How do you decide whether it is better for your business to use QuickBooks or Quicken Home and Business?

In my opinion, Quicken is great to track your personal finances and investments but is not the best choice for your home business ... unless you have very few transactions.

QuickBooks is a much better solution ... or you might want investigate some of the cloud software available to small businesses now if you don't have a high volume of transactions.

Getting You Through a CRA or IRS Audit
by: Stuffy

All of the products list above won't get you through a CRA audit or IRS AUDIT

Only a system that maintains an audit trail will get you through a real audit. Quickbooks is in Danger because the IRS and CRA have tools and will demand you database for scrutiny which will expose your clients from years gone by transactions.

I am in a strong beleiver that once a transaction is done ..it should not ever be manipulated...hence an audit trail is real... QuickBooks and the like low end systems leave traces of manipulations which the IRS and CRA will catch...

Get yourself involved with a real accounting system...

MY experience with is with Simply. QuickBooks is for the bookkeeper that really does not understand real accounting and everything is a journal entry.. which to me is a real problem in tracking real income and expenses. Just saying.

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Hi Stuffy,

I'm not sure what you are referring with regards QuickBooks and audit trails. QuickBooks does have an audit trail. You can look at it through the Reports in the Accountant & Taxes section. In addition to the Audit Trail report, you will also find:

- closing date exception report
- voided/deleted transactions summary
- voided/deleted transactions details

Accountants and bookkeepers can also use the Client Data Review to review changes and deletions.

Also, QuickBooks uses modules and the journal entries should only be used for adjusting entries ... read more here.

One of the other features I like in QuickBooks is the transaction history accessible from any transaction ... and for bookkeepers like me, one of my favorites is the "Ctrl + Y" shortcut key ( or click on the tab Reports while in a transaction and click on the transaction journal icon) which shows the entry in accounting language ... i.e. debits and credits.

It is not very professional to give an opinion of a product you clearly aren't conversant with. I would have preferred you tell me why you like to use Sage (previously called Simply Accounting) accounting software. What are the features you like about it and why is it suitable choice for a small business owner.

To Anonymous
by: stuffy

Sorry if you misunderstood my post.... However I would not support Simply accounting either- Now known as Sage 50.

Considering I am going through a CRA Audit at the moment my mission was to find out everything about lawyers, Accounting system CRA processes and the like.

My experience with QB and Simply has been to move clients to another system. However before I can do that... I always needed to clean up the other system.... It seems in every case the bookeeper is J/E happy and never ever used the a/p or A/r modules.. and sales figures, HST, GST, PST was an excel spreadsheet.

There is so much information on the internet with respect to these two systems... mostly because users DO NOT UNDERSTAND ACCOUNTING. You are obviously an exemption.

Just today I found another link:

"Times have changed and bookkeeping programs like QuickBooks and Simply Accounting can leave you vulnerable to an expensive version of an audit, instead of a slam dunk, non event. These types of accounting packages are not audit ready. That means that they are just not good enough for the current tactics of CRA.
The old generally accepted ways of doing things is no longer adequate. You need to understand that there are so many new laws that no reasonable business person could ever hope to be aware of them all. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. What that means is that you have to get in the habit of practicing due diligence in everything you do in business." by blogger Dan White. Mr. White is a TAX Lawyer.

Just thought I would put it out there... because I have yet to find anyone using either system like a true accounting system. I prefer a more ridgid environment in which data cannot be manipulated at all.

If an invoice is incorrect a Credit note must be issued to make it right.

I trust you accept this response... Knowledge is King and audit ready accounting is the only way to go these days it seems. You can google Audit Ready Accounting too.

Reply to Stuffy
by: Lake

Hey Stuffy,

No accounting program is audit ready. It all depends on the knowledge and training of the people entering the data ... AND whether they have taken the time to ensure they have all their source documents available to support the data entry.

I can't speak for Sage software as I don't use it .... but ... while QuickBooks is user friendly, there is a lot of information out there explaining you do need some basic bookkeeping knowledge to use the program effectively.

As you probably are aware ... Garbage in ... Garbage out.

So the problems you speak of are not QuickBooks related as much as they are related to the knowledge and training of the data entry person ... in my humble opinion.

Garbage in Garbage out
by: stuffy

To Lake... I totally aggree with you however it seems that accountants almost carte blanche push Simply Now Sage 50... or Quickbooks... which I don't understand why! (AccountingEdge was previously MYOB)

OK... I have summized that the CA's CGA'a etc... are pushing these systems to make their clients dependent on them hence job security....for them.

A real accountant who is really looking out for their clients best interest would want their clients to use a system and have processes in place to extract the paper evidence to the entry should an audit ocuur.

I was fortunate in December to not use either system but one that I was able to backtrack all entries to original postings to prove my case..I have a paper trail intact. Having said that I also teach accounting... to which even this week I had to visit a client re: unreconciled bank rec... Yup she did a j/e which totally messed up my investigation of the problem... I say you cannot be a little bit pregnant...

She posted the chq #80 in September however that chq # was actually a August chq... This took me for a loop... She posted this chq in a/p like I taught her... yet in August she did a j/e to capture it too... So taken twice imo... YE rollover got rid of her August J/E however. Had she posted it in a/p I would have caught it pronto.

She said that she has stumbles some times because she was taught accounting doing only j/e.... when I tried to teach her to do everything through the respective modules.. so that things don't disappear when YE rollover happens...

I just don't get this j/e for everything in accounting... surely not how I was taught in a controlled environment. Just saying.

Accounting Edge or Quickbooks?
by: Anonymous

Both but QuickBooks is meant to be for people with no knowledge of accounting. AccountingEdge is more for people with background in accounting. AccountEdge is very friendly, I have being using it for 14 years (before MYOB) and I have called them for support only once and it was my mistake.

AccountEdge is not as good
by: Billy D

I have tried to work with accountedge but it is so limited in its functionality. Can't put in historical information, reports don't always open up, dates in reports is limited to this year and the year before.

I am switching my client back to Quickbooks after a year of struggling with AccountEdge.

Billy D

New bookkeeper, which QuickBooks version is best?
by: Wen, Canada

As a new freelance bookkeeper, what version of Quickbooks should I get in order to efficiently organize my clients books? So many to choose from and could really use some feedback and advice.

Thank you.

by: Lake

I think you want to take a look at the QuickBooks ProAdvisor Program. There is one for desktop and QuickBooks Online.

Jackie, Kelowna, BC Canada
by: Sage 50 Programs

There are so many types of Sage programs that I just don't know which one to choose.

I will be doing bookkeeping for a handful of different businesses and need to know if I can use Sage 50 first step for this purpose or if it only allows one business. There is nothing online to help me with this.

Also I have a Mac and would like to possibly use the Sage One Accounting Software online but not sure how that works either. If I choose to go with a PC type product I will have to buy a pc laptop.

Any suggestions would be helpful. I cannot afford a lot as this is only casual work and I'm not actively seeking clients. I just want to have the ability to do bookkeeping on Simply for multiple clients without the large overhead cost.

by: Lake

It is virtually impossible to run a business even casually these days without making an investment in your tools. For a bookkeeper that means an up-to-date computer and scanner and up-to-date software.

I always get nervous when I hear someone wants to casually do some bookkeeping. I always wonder how they intend to stay current with all the things a freelance bookkeeper needs to know.

I can't help you with Sage as I am QuickBooks fan / user.

That said, IMHO best bet is to see if Sage has a program similar Intuit's program for freelance bookkeepers where we pay a monthly fee and get access to their top-of-the-line software with all the bells and whistles a professional bookkeeper needs to do their correctly and efficiently.

It is also my understanding that there are software products out there that can create a virtual Windows based PC on you iMac. The two I've heard about are VMware and Parallels.

Please consider joining an organization like Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada (ipbc.ca) if you insist on "doing books casually".

Bookkeeper in progress
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know what it costs to get certified for Xero and QB Online?

Cost of Certification
by: Lake

QBO certification is free in Canada. I don't know whether this is true in the US and I have no inkling about Xero's cost or process for certification. Maybe other readers will be able to chime in.

I doubt you'll see this response as you didn't include your email address so you won't receive a notice when there are replies to your question.

AccountEdge is the most flexible package out there.
by: Elite Certified Consultants for AccountEdge by Acclivity (formerly MYOB)

Every off-the-shelf accounting package has its issues. Its pros and cons.
I have been using AccountEdge (formerly MYOB, formerly Bestware) forever. The latest version of AccountEdge has a full Audit trail, session reports, export to Caseware, T/B, G/L and many other features. You can set entries so they can't be changed or you can set them so they can be changed. You can select which users can use which components. It's cross platform so you can have a Mac and your Windows based Accountant can open and work on the data file then return it to you.

I have found, as a Bookkeeper for over 40 years, trained in AccPac, Caseware, QuickBooks, Sage and a few others I have forgotten, that AccountEdge is the most adaptive for end users and bookkeepers. I have never not been able to fly though a CRA audit and generate the reports my clients want.

Quickbooks is condescending. It treats the end user like an idiot. There are too many steps to do simple things and not enough people know how to close off a prior year so it can't be modified. Plus it's too expensive. Sage is expensive too and is make for professionals. If you don't know what you are doing, you will be in trouble very quickly. I became an AccountEdge Consultant because I love this software. New clients are switched from QB or Sage as I WILL NOT work with those other packages. Lastly, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get started and keep up to date.

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