The Free Library

by Lakeshore Bookkeeping
(Prince George, BC, Canada)

I discovered this marvelous resource after reading an AIPB monthly newsletter ... okay I'll admit what I was really doing was ... procrastinating studying for my Certified Professional Bookkeeper's exam next week ... disguised as catching up on my reading. :0(

An article published in Financial Executive's October 2009 issue by Norman H. Perlmutter, Improved Collections Get a New Attitude was highlighted.

So I googled the article and found a copy in the free library. "It is an invaluable research tool and the fastest and easiest way to locate useful information on virtually any subject."

While reading the cash management and collections article mentioned above, I saw the side bar on related articles.

I clicked on a 1993 Journal of Accountancy article ... How small CPA firms manage their cash by Gene Barrett ... and read another practical article on cash management.

Then I went back and clicked on an April 2009 New Hampshire Business Review article ... How to get control of your cash flow by Michael Nolan. It proved to be another practical and well written article.

The free library is located at .

Let me know, by posting comments, if you use this resource ... or if you have a similar one that is your favorite.

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Sep 17, 2010
Free Library Resources
by: Bookkeeping Essentials

I have found this site to be especially useful when you find an article on another site ... but they want you to register or pay to see the entire article.

When that happens, sometimes you can go to The Free Library and look up the author there. Many times you will find the article you are looking for.

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