Bookkeeping With A File Box ... Or A Virtual Box

Learn How to Organize Files
In Under 30 Minutes With
Easy Office Filing Systems

Getting ready for yearend.Getting ready for yearend can be FRUSTRATING!


You didn't know how to organize files and receipts for your business ... so as tax time draws near, you are going to be wading through a whole year of business receipts because ... you just didn't get to your bookkeeping each month.

How do you spell ... F R U S T R A T I O N?

Or perhaps you've promised yourself that this is the year I WILL organize my office ... but are still   P R O C R A S T I N A T I N G.

In my chats, you're going to discover the:

Benefits of bookkeeping with a file box
  • Have information at your finger tips in seconds.
  • Pay all your bills on time.
  • Reduce accounting fees because your information is presented in an organized way your accountant understands.
  • Become audit ready. I read recently that "tidiness and order appeal to an accountant's mentality, and most auditors are accountants". (source: Nolo article "Preparing for a Business Audit")

Keep this in mind when learning how to organize files

Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do,

when you should do it,

whether you feel like it or not.

-- Elbert Hubbard --

Do something every day that you don't want to do;

this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit

of doing your duty without pain.

-- Mark Twain --

Be honest. If organizing your business receipts continually falls by the wayside then ...

  • Delegate the Task

  • Ask Your Bookkeeper
    To Setup An Easy Filing System For You

  • Start Being Organized Now

The information provided on this site is applicable to U.S. and Canadian small business owners

You Can Learn How To Become

An Excellent Organizer of

YOUR Business Receipts

My index of file organization articles I've developed and/or collected since 2009 will provide you with solution options on how to deal with your hardcopy and paperless documents.

You WILL find the answer your question, "How do I manage my business receipts?"

At the bottom of the page you will find a link to my index of file organization chats because you DO HAVE OPTIONS ... you really do!

Don't wait 'til tax time. Dazzle your accountant this tax season and start getting organized today.

What is the best way to organize your self employed business receipts? Bookkeeping-Essentials provides relevant and current information on organizing your business files as well as the handling of eDocuments and answers to questions such as ...

Should you be downloading
your paperless statements? ...

Is it okay to shred your
paper receipts once scanned? ...

What is the best way to
protect your paperless documents? ...

Having a filing system for your receipts and business files makes your life, your bookkeeper's life and your accountant's life easier.

  • Learn how to organize and track all of your paperwork.
  • Learn how to locate documents even if your bookkeeper isn't there.

Easy, simple file system solutions can help lead you straight down the path of success! The beauty of a good system is determined by how simple and easy it is to use.

Learn how to organize files today.

A series of chats of how to organize files and business receipts for work from home business owners.

Want to Read More About Filing Methods and Requirements?

Click here for the INDEX

to all the recordkeeping chats in this series.

Systematize Your Small Business To Success

Any of these systems will show you how to organize your files. To keep it simple, you can use a bookkeeper's box (also known as a banker's box) to file and organize all your income and expenses systematically and logically. It doesn't have to be complicated to meet your business's financial statement and tax preparation needs. Throughout this site you will also find practical tips to your bookkeeping dilemmas and easy to implement advice on managing your cash flow.

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See you on the next page ...
Your tutor

Bookkeeping With a File Box


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