Sales added to filed GST period

by Brenda

In a moment of lunacy it seems I've edited customer invoices and increased the invoiced amount thereby increasing sales revenue in a prior GST period.

How can I fix this? I don't really want to go back and move the added revenue to the current period.

How can I "catch up" so I'm on the straight and narrow?

image of fancy scroll lines

Hey Brenda,

Before I answer your question ...

... help me out here and explain why you were adjusting a sales invoice that a customer would have already received :0)

... I assume this because you say you have already filed your GST/HST report.

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Aug 09, 2011
GST Question
by: Anonymous

Really really stupid. An owner came at me at a moment of weakness (?) with an adjustment to an old unpaid invoice to a major agency. Instead of thinking about repercussions I just thought about getting it done and hopefully having the invoice paid. Did it in a heartbeat and now 'spainin. What an idiot I was!! Stupid thing is it isn't that much $.

That is both the long and short of it. I looked at it again today (ad infitum) - not yet quite understanding the QB process.

Love your site but I'm far from learning how to navigate through it. I used my home email instead of work and could not get back to view my question until I got home. Ditto tomorrow

Thanks so much!!

Aug 09, 2011
GST Question
by: Anonymous

I meant to say that - after scrutiny for accuracy- I want to move the discrepancy to the current period - I am a little distraught over participating in this innocent mistake over not much $ but want it behind me. Sorry for confusion.

Aug 09, 2011
If it were me
by: Lake


If it were me, I would:

1. Go back and reverse the adjustment you made to the prior period invoice ... i.e. you edited it once, go back and edit it back to the original entry.

2. Set the close date (under Company drop down menu) on your file to match the latest GST return filed (or income tax return at year-end) so that once a GST return is filed, you cannot change a prior period.

3. In the current period, issue a credit memo for the invoice you wanted to change and reissue a new invoice ... OR ... issue an invoice for the change requested and send the customer a statement that will show the total balance outstanding.

Hope that helps.

Aug 09, 2011
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by: Lake


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