CRA horror stories

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Do you publish the stories that people have sent you? If so, where can I view them?

Thank you & I like your site!

image of fancy scroll lines

No one has submitted any CRA horror stories to me yet ... but if they do, I will certainly publish them.

I am delighted that you like my site ... I hope you use it as a resource and visit often. :0)

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Aug 17, 2010
CRA Convictions
by: Bookkeeping Essentials

You can read about CRA's latest convictions on their website. They publish them now.

Project Trident convictions can be found here:

Tax evasion convictions can be found here:

Aug 19, 2010
What CRA does
by: Anonymous

I have read it here, the CRA uses pretty sophisticated approach

Note from Webmaster: The CRA uses standard audit practices to ensure taxpayers have complied with the Income Tax Act. All taxpayers are guilty until proven innocent. Your best defense is to audit proof your business records through due diligence.

Bookkeeping-Essentials has an article on What To Do If You Receive A Tax Notice that explains how to get ready for ... and respond to a tax audit.

If you have failed to file returns and have NOT received a notice from CRA, you may be interested in reading Bookkeeping-Essential's article Voluntary Disclosure of Unfiled Taxes.

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