Home Business Taxes Part 3
The Forum and Common Q&A

by L. Kenway BComm CPB Retired

Quick Links

Q&A relating to:

  • Auto expenses
  • Home Office
  • Sole Proprietors
  • Self Employed Deductions

Click here for the Quick Link Index to the questions and answers.

As a small business owner in Canada, home business taxes are something you need to address. In this chat you'll find answers to some commonly asked questions about home business taxes.

You may also want to spend some time reading the series of articles on Home Business Taxes in Canada I have written. See the series image index below.

Notice to Site Visitors

Before I begin I would like to remind you there is a difference between information and advice. The information provided in this article on Home Business Taxes or on this site should not be construed as advice.

There is no guarantee the information is up-to-date, complete or correct. I do my best to be accurate but the answers I present are my understanding at the time posted. I am not a tax expert. Please make yourself familiar with my disclaimer.



Tax Primer For Sole Proprietors in Canada

Click on any image below to go to the Bookkeeping-Essentials.ca article.

Quick Links to Home Business Taxes Q&A

You will now find the answers to these commonly asked questions and answers on Canadian home business taxes over at Bookkeeping-Essentials.ca.

Automobile Expense Related Questions
  • Does the $.52/km employee mileage allowance include GST? Can we claim GST tax credits on this expense when paid to us personally?
  • Can I claim auto expense if I do not have business coverage?

GST/HST Questions

Home Office Questions

  • What are the rules for business use of my home phone in Canada?
  • What percentage of my telephone and power can I deduct on my tax return?

Sole Proprietor Questions

  • Are business owners subject to CPP?
  • How do you input/report owner's draws on your personal tax return?

Self-Employed Tax Deduction Questions

  • Are bookkeeping service fees tax deductible in Canada?
  • Are life insurance payments a tax deduction in Canada?
  • Are tax penalties a deductible expense in Canada?
  • Is my receipt log book considered as legitimate receipts for my Canadian tax return?
  • Are country club dues deductible or not?

Cool Glass of Water with Lemon Slices

My suggestion to you ... enjoy a tall cool glass of lemon water while you click and poke and peek and snoop this site ... perhaps start with the blog which lists the most recent updated articles.

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