Imputing HST on Receipts
by Marcie
Can I claim HST on receipts where the tax is not stated?
I have several receipts (for a course, insurance (car and teaching) and for memberships) that do not state the HST I've paid but only the final amount paid.
Can I do the calculations of HST myself, or is there simply no tax being paid on these items?

You need to know if an item attracts sales tax.
Read more about this here.From the sales tax exemption table (follow the link above) you can see that education and insurance services do NOT attract sales tax.
I explain that
memberships are NOT tax deductible in my article on
Limitations and Non-Deductible Expenses.
Stephen Thompson CA, CFP, TEP states in the book
167 Tax Tips for Canadian Small Business 2009 states that "to claim an input tax credit, you must have invoices or receipts containing certain information ... if the receipt or invoice for a purchase ... does not contain the proper information, the government can deny the input tax credit on the purchase."
What is the "certain information" he is speaking about?
Invoices should really meet
CRA's criteria for what constitutes a legimate business receipt if you are going to be claiming ITCs. If you follow the link I just gave you, you'll also find a link to invoice requirement exceptions.
P.S. I would like to remind you there is a difference between information and advice. The general information provided in this post or on my site should not be construed as advice. You should not act or rely on this information without engaging professional advice specific to your situation prior to using this site content for any reason whatsoever.