The Bookkeeping Forum

Your Bookkeeping Community ... Your Meeting Place

This is your spot on ... my version of a bookkeeping forum ... more like of a bunch of mini-discussions really ... as there are multiple bookkeeping forums ... arranged by subject matter.

Here is where I open up the site to bookkeepers and small business owners to contribute and participate ... because I don't know everything ... I know it's hard to believe! LOL

So welcome to my version of a bookkeeper's forum for home-based business owners doing their own books ... or the work from home bookkeeper looking for someone to touch base with.


If you use this site as a resource ... I'm thrilled. Please consider "paying it forward" and help others who visit this site.

Let us nod our head in agreement ... because we've all been there.

If visiting the site gives you confidence in your skills as a bookkeeper, share your expertise. I like validation too even after all these years.

Add a picture if you think it improves the presentation of your information.

Make bookkeepers laugh. Make us groan.

Just fill in one of the special forms to publish YOUR own web page.

Here are the forum discussions, arranged by subject matter, available so far. Start or join in one of the conversations! Don't be shy ... com' on and jump right in ...

Unanswered Bookkeeping Questions - Share Your Expertise!

How self publishing your own web page works.

Self Publishing and How The Bookkeeping Forums Works

Each contribution becomes it's own web page using the software provided by SBI! ... you don't have to be tech savy. Others can comment on, respond to or rank your submission turning it into a discussion ... You have the opportunity to share ideas on bookkeeping issues that are important to you.

If you want to take the time to be a bit creative ... or to make your web page look better ... add a picture of yourself ... or a screen shot of your problem ... or post one of your own drawings that captures the essence of your problem. It's your web page.

All contributions are moderated to ensure original, good quality content. They may be edited for grammar, spelling or presentation. Your contribution will appear once it has been approved by the web master ... that's me. :0)

You have to "play nice", respect copyrights ... and your contribution must be in good taste. If you don't follow the rules, your contribution may be deleted. :0(

My sincere gratitude to all my readers ... without you I'd have no website. Blessings to you all ... whether you participate in the bookkeeping forums or just continue to visit the site regularly!

Enjoy Your Visit Today,
Your Tutor Lake

"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Aliceanswered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter.""

-- Lewis Carroll --

Reach for your dream. Move out of your comfort zone. Expect abundance.

Photo courtesy of B. Gale

Bookkeeping Forum

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